Happy New Year (almost)! January 1st is a great time to stop and reflect on the year just gone, as well as the year to come. Many set common resolutions like losing weight or saving more money or spending more time with family…however what about your sportscasting resolutions?
Setting sportscasting resolutions or goals for the coming year can keep you and your career on track…however it can also be very daunting. What should you set as a goal? How do you get started? And most importantly…how do you succeed in meeting your sportscasting resolutions?
Sportscaster Life has a lot of resources of different aspects of sportscasting and we thought it might be helpful for those setting some New Years sportscasting resolutions to put some resources in one place.
Resolution #1: I want to get a job at a higher level
This is a great resolution. You should be always be looking to advance your career forward, however the world of job hunting can be cut throat…so you best be prepared.
To apply for any sportscasting job, you need a few things. A good demo reel, an outstanding resume and a cover letter. Here are a few resources to get you started:
What to include in your demo reel
Finding great material for your demo reel
Creating a great demo reel
Crafting a cover letter for sportscasting jobs
Five places to find your dream sportscasting job
Resolution #2: I want to learn a new skill in sportscasting
Having a variety of different skills to fall back on or add to your career is a huge advantage. It makes you a more well-rounded sportscaster and makes you a more valuable employee.
Learning things like photography, video production or improving your technical knowledge are all great compliments to an on-air presence.
Three secondary skills for sportscasters
Top video editors for sportscasters
The basics on video editing
Audio cables for sportscasters
Photography for sportscasters
Resolution #3: I want to improve my call and focus on professional development
If you’re happy with your current job and happy with your secondary skills, maybe your sportscasting resolutions centre around getting better at your call. If you’re on top of your demo reel material, you may have noticed something you want to refine, replace or remove.
The hunt for the perfect call
Getting sportscasting practice without games
Three ways to be a better broadcaster
Finding inspiration from different sports
Trying to broadcast a new sport
Whatever your resolution, the key is to make it simple and make it attainable. Be specific in your goals and plan out measurable steps to achieve them.
May the new year be your best yet.