There are several sources online for job postings in the sports broadcasting industry. Here are some popular-North American places:
- Milkman Unlimited
This is not a specific sports broadcasting web site, rather one of the most popular job boards for the media industry in Canada. The site posts mainly radio positions, however some do cross over into the television platform. You can also find them on Facebook and follow on Twitter. - STAA Talent
A popular job and discussion form, run by Jon Chelesnik who owns the Sportscasters Talent Agency of America. The jobs are mainly American positions in both television and radio, but are 100% sportscasting positions. Jon’s site also provides some resources for sports broadcasters. You can find them on Facebook and follow on Twitter. STAA also offer some great career counselling services, similar to that of an agent. For a small monthly fee, you can get access to job listings before anyone else. - Media Job Search Canada
Similar to Milkman, this is not a sports broadcasting specific job board, rather one for the entire media industry in Canada. This includes online, print, post-production, advertising, etc. You can also track postings via RSS feed or Twitter. - Ice Hockey JobsAs the title suggests, this site is all about jobs for hockey. It is not broadcast specific, but rather hockey as a complete industry. They are also available via Facebook and Twitter.
Another growing resource is Twitter. Many leagues, teams and stations post job positions quicker than dedicated job sites. Follow leagues of your choice, and see if some have ‘job posting’ sections to their web sites.