Podcasting is one that is both quite old, and relatively new. “Podcasts” have been around for over a decade, however it has never been easier or cheaper for anyone to start their own podcast…a right first reserved for major studios or big budgets.
Farhad Manjoo with the New York Times has penned an article looking at the Podcasting industry, and whether or not it’s on a continued upward trend, or primed for a bubble bursting end.
For more information on how to set up your own podcast, including equipment needed, podcast hosts and delivery to places like iTunes, click here.
Is podcasting in the middle of a long boom or a short bubble? The future of radio, a medium already being buffeted by streaming music, may be riding on the answer.
Podcasting — a terrible tech insider’s name for delivering radiolike shows directly to your phone — has long been prone to cycles of hype and doom. While the medium is more than a decade old, from the moment the very first pods were cast, people have been calling podcasting either the world’s next great media revolution, or another failed byway in digital experimentation.
The truth, as ever, is somewhere in the middle. The breakout success last fall of “Serial,” a true-crime investigation spun off by the public radio show “This American Life,” attracted serious mainstream attention to podcasts, and set off another storm of boosterism about their place in the future of media. Now, the hype has cooled, but podcasting is still chugging along.
To read the rest of the article, click here.