Getting honest feedback on your work can be one of the toughest things to obtain. Friends and family often hold back in fear of offending you and fans might not be knowledgeable about the ins and outs of sportscasting. I’ve found though over the years that I’m my harshest critic, and going back to listen to some of my stuff can be the best way to improve.

But what if you’re wanting to listen to other broadcasters in an effort to see what makes them successful? Easy enough to do, boot up internet radio and away you go. However I often didn’t have the time available to turn on a game at night when I was trying to spend time with my family…so what did I do? I found a way to record live radio and listen to it as a podcast at a more convenient time.

Here’s how:

Download Streamwriter | Download VLC | Download TuneIn Addon & Install Instructions | TuneInRadio

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