Are you LinkedIn?

LinkedIn is a valuable social networking resource that often falls under the radar. It rarely gets the same attention as Facebook or Twitter, but for what those sites do for pictures of cats, LinkedIn does for industry professionals. If you don’t have a LinkedIn profile, you should, and if you have one, you should be…

How to Get Hired: Breaking In

The Carolina Hurricanes recently posted an article to their website from the team’s Public Relations department. After going over a flood of resumes for an opening with the team, Mike Sundheim wrote a detailed account of the experience, and offered up some tips to prospective hockey team employees. It’s worth a read and goes into details on…

Voices: Doc Emrick

NHL:Voices is a documentary series that looks at NHL broadcasters and their roads to the top. This episode features long-time Devils and Rangers broadcaster Doc Emrick. The show features information about his game preparation, how he tries to get better and what he looks for on the ice. Click here for part 2 and part 3.

Broadcaster turned linesman in Australia

An Australian Ice Hockey League game (yes they plan hockey in Australia) had a scary moment when a linesman was caught in the action and got an accidental elbow to the head, suffering a concussion. Broadcaster Stephen White, calling the game for Fox Sports Australia, had his gear with him, as he was due to…

What type of learner are you?

One key aspect of sports broadcasting is the ability to memorize information. Whether it’s a key stat, background story or just a basic roster, being able to instantly recall information without having to look it up is one of the single biggest advantages a broadcaster can have over another. Everyone memorizes differently, visual, auditory, kinetic,…

Protecting Your Pipes

It’s no secret that your voice is one of, if not your biggest asset. Tools to a tradesman are like a voice for a broadcaster, and it’s important to take care of it. Below are some articles on voice health to ensure you’re pipes are always perfect. Many tips to keep voices in top shape…